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Уоркмен, Фанни: биография


  • Among the Great Himalayan Glaciers (англ.) // National Geographic. — 1920. — November (no. 13). — P. 405–406.
  • First Ascents of the Hoh Lumba and the Sosbon Glaciers in the Northwest Himalayas (англ.) // Independent. — 1903. — 2 December (no. 55). — P. 3108–3112.
  • Miss Peck and Mrs. Workman (англ.) // cientific American. — 1910. — 12 February. — P. 143.
  • Miss Peck and Mrs. Workman (англ.) // Scientific American. — 1910. — 1 April. — P. 319.
  • Recent First Ascents in the Himalaya (англ.) // Independent. — 1910. — 1 June (no. 68). — P. 1202–1210.
  • Conquering the Great Rose (англ.) // Harper. — 1914. — June (no. 129). — P. 44–45.
  • Exploring the Rose (англ.) // Independent. — 1916. — 1 January (no. 85). — P. 54–56.
  • Four Miles High (англ.) // Independent. — 1916. — 1 June (no. 86). — P. 377–378.


  1. Историк Майкл Плинт (Michael Plint) отметил, что «гора Буллок Уоркмен» и «гора Зигфридхорн» были «надолго забыты» (p. 234).
  2. примерно 6500 м
  3. 12 °C

Примечания переводчика

  1. Ориг. англ.: «aggressively pursued an alternative identity, one that liberated her from the conventional responsibilities of wife and mother and allowed for her interests and ambitions»
  2. Цитата из Тингли; ориг. англ. «exotic or unusual, at worst as primitive or even subhuman»
  3. ориг. англ. «The Workmans were, on their journeys, the victims of their own faults. They were too impatient and rarely tried to understand the mentality of the porters and so did not get the best out of them.»
  4. ориг. англ. «Almost alone of Victorian travellers, the Workmans had absolutely no sympathy or even common-sense understanding of the local people, into whose poor and remote villages they burst with trains of followers demanding service and supplies.»
  5. ориг. англ. «the Workmans, like most of their countrymen, plunged in their enterprises headlong, expecting their enormous energy to overcome all obstacles. They were justifiably criticized by the British for their callous, incompetent behavior toward the Indians.»
  6. ориг. англ. «We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. and Mrs. Workman have written one of the most remarkable books of travel of recent years.»
  7. ориг. англ. «even though pantaloons were acceptable sporting women's dress at the time, Workman wore skirts – while cycling thousands of miles across Europe and Asia, climbing Himalayan peaks, and negotiating crevasses.»
  8. ориг. англ. «their otherwise invaluable books read like one long, anguished harangue against the lazy, lying, thieving, mutinous cheats on whom they unhappily depended for local support».
  9. Ориг. англ. «Ironically, her determination to prove herself the equal of any man at lofty elevations culminated with a withering attack on an American woman who tried to surpass her … If Fanny Workman ever receives the recognition she deserves for her feminist determination to excel at this then-male sport, she will surely be remembered as much for her insistence upon accurate record-keeping as for the elevations she achieved.»
  10. англ. Silver Throne Plateau
  11. англ. «Votes for Women»
  12. ориг. англ. «Dr. Hunter Workman accompanied me, this time, in charge with me of commissariat and as photographer and glacialist, but I was the responsible leader of this expedition, and on my efforts, in a large measure, must depend the success or failure of it»
  13. ориг. англ. «felt that she suffered from 'sex antagonism' ... it is possible that some unconscious feeling let us say of the novelty of a woman's intrusion into the domain of exploration so long reserved to man, may in some quarters have existed ... there tended to arise ... an atmosphere shall we say of aloofness?»
  14. ориг. англ. «Away from such petty opinion emanating from society pressures, up high, above the snow line or in distant regions, women climbers could more fully experience equality and power ... If they chose, they could be just as sportsmanlike or competitive as the men.»
  15. ориг. англ. «an aggressive, determined, and uncompromising turn-of-the-century American woman traveler»
  16. ориг. англ. «one of the first women to work as a professional mountaineer and surveyor and to write about the expeditions she and her husband took to the most remote reaches of the Himalaya. She was an outspoken advocate of woman's suffrage and made it clear that she considered herself to be a role model for other women travelers and mountaineers.»
  17. ориг. англ. «deceptive and not always reliable»
  18. ориг. англ. «that the Workmans were intrepid explorers and climbers none could possibly doubt, but they were also aggressive self-promoters who in their eagerness for recognition and honors sometimes exaggerated the originality and significance of what they had done.»
  19. ориг. англ. «they had logged more miles and climbed more peaks than anyone to date; they had produced five sumptuously illustrated and widely read expedition volumes; and by simple virtue of her sex Fanny of course had set an invaluable Himalayan precedent. But the Workmans were not great mountaineers. At their best they were vigorous and competent patrons who followed capably in the hard-won steps of their Italian guides.»
  20. ориг. англ. «the few recent accounts of Fanny Workman have tended to slight or belittle her achievements, but contemporaries, unaware of the far greater accomplishments to come, held the Workmans in high regard.»

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